Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Responding to the Mosque Massacres

Standing Against White Supremacism & Terrorism

A media report from last night's meeting, organised by the Canterbury Progressive Network and EcuAction can be found here

A video of the meeting itself be found here

Donate to the victims and families
The New Zealand Islamic Information Centre has set up a crowdfunding campaign on Launchgood (a crowdfunding platform for Muslim people) with all funds raised distributed to the victims and families affected by the Christchurch attack. All proceeds will go towards helping with their immediate, short-term needs.
The New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups has also set up a crowdfunding campaign on Givealittle. Victim Support says it will use all donations received to the page to provide support and resources for people affected by the Christchurch shootings and their family members. This one has already raised $3 million from everyday New Zealanders, which I think is a bright spot in an otherwise very dark time.

Responses to the attack
Islamic Women's Council repeatedly lobbied to stem discrimination
How to combat Islamophobia and white supremacy
 ‘I’d rather not breathe the same oxygen as him
 New Zealand must own this terrorist attack
Background to the attack
White power movement delivers 'warning'
  Deranged but Dangerous- Right Wing extremists in Aotearoa and the dangers they pose.
Christchurch harboured white supremacists before massacre

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Responding to the Mosque Massacres

public meeting will be held Today

Tuesday March 19 


 Cardboard Cathedral
 Latimer Square


The purpose of the meeting is for the public to say how they want to respond to the massacres that occurred last Friday at the Deans Ave & Linwood Muslim Mosques.

  • How widespread are white supremacist views (including Islamophobia) in Canterbury?
  • How really welcome are minority cultures and ethnic groups in Canterbury?
  • Is religion a unifying or dividing force in society?
  • Have the NZ security services paid too much attention to potential Jihadists and too little to white supremacists?
  • Do gun control laws need tightening?
  • Will the Crusaders really face a name change?
  • What needs to happen to build a more cohesive and inclusive NZ society?

The Dean of the Cathedral, The Rev Lawrence Kimberley will welcome all and hand over to the co-conveners of the meeting…

·         Paul Hopkinson of Canterbury Progressive Network (CPN)
·         Brian Turner of EcuAction, a Canterbury based Interfaith network.

Further info from Paul (ph 027 230-8439) or Brian (ph 021 129-4305)